From 6 th standard a child is taught civics as a subject and is inspired to feel proud about our longest living and evolving constitution. Moreover most of the nations have changed their constitution more than once but ours is continuing from 1950 and amendments are made continuously.Last year, after giving my class 12 exams I, realized that the greatest thing about our constitution is that every law and policy contradicts .For instance constitution says that WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:JUSTICE, social, economic and political;LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;and to promote among them all FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION . But this applies only if you belong to SC, ST or OBC category. If I call an sc a "sc" I would be arrested. Contradicting if someone calls Brahmin a pundit or ridicules him on his choti he would be set free. This has happened too. Popular slogan of a caste based party said that tilak, tarajo, talwaar joote maro inko char. But leaders of that party are free till now because they are from reserved category.Reservations are also exclusive examples for this. A general category child might be a topper in his class 10 th or class 12 th but his seat is not reserved in prestigious college. But reserved category students are free of tension as their seat is reserved. Constitution asked government to implement reservation almost for 20 years. But they still continue because if these 20 years got over, parties will lose one agenda.If you today end up in a fight with your neighbour who is an 'sc' and you are not aware of his caste, you would be sent to jail under SC act. Is this justified? Law must not be same for everyone as constitution says??Moreover constitution said no party would be formed on lines of religion, caste or creed. Contradicting truth is that only such parties are successful today. There is no need to quote examples for it. Everyone is aware about this known fact. This time, fortunately mandate was against such divisive parties. UPA won the election but we have to see whether it caters to the need of general category talented and skillful students or it also prefers reserving seats for so called weaker sections that are now better to do than several general category students. Is a caste only criterion to judge backwardness? Indian government is only responsible for SCs, STs and OBCs? Today several general category people are living in conditions worse than refugee camp conditions. This is the phase of economic development we boast of. Reservation is fine but is it justified that EK GHAR ME CHULHA JALANE KE LIYE DOSRE GHAR KA CHULHA BOOJHA DO? This is mockery of constitution. I as a Brahmin, the learned class cannot tolerate these injustices. So all those who cannot bear more injustices come on, rise up and destroy the malaise of reservation.
reservation should not implemented for the people living in urban areas....but i strongly suggest res should b ...for the poor who needs it
ReplyDeleteby the way...catherine is lukin hot
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