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Monday, March 9, 2009

Do they even understand their own religion?

Burning houses, elevating terrorism, killing innocents, creating mayhem, increasing their unprecedented carnage, molesting women, imposing restrictions on education and development of women, forcing them to wear burqas, imposing extreme nefarious designs, all this in the name of ‘religion’- in the name of jihad.

Such chaos, squalor and terror worldwide, without the real knowledge of Jihad, actual meaning of shariah law!! Who says that their law prohibits women to be educated, killing innocents is legal, and practicing terrorism is valid?? So much so that breathing with freedom becomes inexorable.
What is it that they are backing their actions with? Who are they trying to fool?
With the name of religion they surely can’t stand heavy to a country which has the greatest variety of religion yet executes secularism and proudly practices nationalism.


  1. religion????? it is the way to live, not to kill others..... religion teaches us how to complete our journey of life and to achieve end target... every religion teaches one thing; love and brotherhood.. but problem arises when people follow only those values of religion which suit them. religion has to be followed completely. the tragedy with our subcontinent is that every person tries to lead masses on lines of religion, whether that person is having complete knowledge of religion or not.... whole issue is about power and they make religion a weapon to grab power..... n all this starts from deprivation and unfortunately leads to more deprivation.

  2. Certainly Sudhanshu,and welcome to Confab Confessor.

    Thats precisely whats leading in our country,but unfortunately there is not much that we as citizens can do about it other than spreading awareness and inculcating a sense of rationalism in the minds of people.Secularism has to be re-taught to us all emphasising that all religions are equally vital and that no one religion can over take another... not by hook or crook.

  3. sakshi, there is a lot we as a youth of nation can do in this context. it is very easy for all of us to say big things on blogs or forums, but real patriot is one who goes out in the public and works for this mission. I started my mission on 17 th jan this year along wid my frends, ONE INDIA ONE VISION. because its necessary to do something on our own,rather waiting for someone to start for you.

    your blog is an excellent attempt but try to work with all matters and issues that disturb you and society, in practical life at grassroot level.

  4. I dont know much about the Shariah law but the civil wars in the tribal areas and the frontier provinces, including Swat presents the biggest challenge Pakistan has ever faced and this condition of unrest on both the side of Indian Subcontinent(talking about Srilanka as well) cannot be a good thing for us.
    and taking about religion here, i believe that they should be changed according to the changing times, killing a person because he is not following Your "religion" is not the way its barbaric

  5. and i didn't got ur last para coz i assume in the above para u r talking about Taliban and pakistan or islam
    but in last para u completely drifted to India, i suppose

  6. shariah law clearly bans muslims to kill innocents.
    it provides for a right to education to women.
    it instructs muslims to follow the way of life taught by the prophet.
    it teaches tolerance.
    pakistan has failed as a theocratic state, the sole reason being their failure to understand and implement their reason for existence of the state i.e. Islam
    the UAE,Iran,etc certainly are doing way better than afghanistan or pakistan because they are sans irrational,uneducated,hot headed,cynical 'TOWELHEADS'.
    The talibani jihad is a euphemism for 'increased international political command'. they are giving their disgusting political plans an Islamic colour, just to justify it.
    what pervades the whole issue is the lack of willpower on the part of the international muslim leaders/scholars/ulemas , to come forward and to explain to them their wrongs.
    i think one fatwa issued by the influential islamic institution darul uloom deoband would certainly discourage the likes of baitullah masood.
    anyway, hats off to the writer.

  7. the problem is not the religion but the various interpretions that are formed out of it by the people who call themselves the preachers of religious etiquettes and norms .... the very word "religion" has different manifestations for different people .... woman are tromatised to great deal in pakistan than one can ever imagine and the laws like shariah and zina laws are a testimony to that... there's not much one can do about it than just spreading awareness about the brutalities women are subjected to...

  8. I would reiterate the fact that a certain fatwa or an address by the influential islamic scholars and leaders, would certainly enlighten these towelheads with food for thought to stop making a fool of themselves and of their religion.
    shariah laws make it fundamental for every human being to achieve as much knowledge as they can, men and women alike.
    it's disheartening to see the baluchistani,peshawari and afghani minds misusing their self-forged shariah laws.

  9. Hi,

    Kindly read a bit about the sharia law and the islam, be it the one followed by the jihadis or the one followed by muslims like us and then comment.

    You can find more about it on the much popular, well known GOOGLE.COM

    Blogging is easy but do not misuse your right to speech.

  10. hello,

    the writer of the blog has done a commendable job. the writer is factually and technically correct.
    i, a proud indian muslim , son of a islamic shariah expert and a highly revered arabic academician , and offering prayers 5 times a day, assure this.
    infact, i would like to suggest the person above ( his being a muslim and reading about islam on google.com is farcical . .haha. sir, if you really want to know what is islam ,go read the holy quran and not the revered search engines . .got that?).
    i would reiterate the fact that the writer of the blog is technically correct throughout this post.
    thank you.

  11. In response to MARCH 16 comment:

    Just in case you have doubts, i make sure that my articles are well equipped with factually correct information and am also well aware of my rights to speech. GOOGLE.COM is not a solution to everything sir, and incase you tend to belive so, kindly refer to it again to prove me wrong this time...

  12. Ma'am, accepted but for people like you i recommend reading the google.com..... hope u understand it

  13. Sir, Blogging in not to settle personal scores...incase you have any.If you wish to comment, please do so related to the topic, or DONT waste your time or mine

  14. hahah . .it looks as if the march 16 and march 17 comments are posted by someone who is trying to settle personal scores with the blogger and doesn't have enough balls to post his comments by his actual identity.
    sir, i recomment you to please log on to your favourite GOOGLE.com, type 'morals,ethics,etiquettes and manners' , and also 'how to be a man', and 'how to settle personal scores in a MATURE way' and read them thoroughly.
    hahah . . please think it over, whoever you are.
